Advanced Appropriations Law (FINC9100)


Advanced Appropriations Law


This course builds on the concepts learned in Federal Appropriations Law (FINC7100A). It will provide you with practice in researching questions on the proper use of government funds and applying your research results to several comprehensive case studies. You will gain confidence in your ability to analyze a situation, perform the necessary research, and correctly apply appropriations law concepts to determine the proper course of action. The course will be conducted with a combination of brief instructor lectures on the principles pertinent to the cases, followed by team review and analysis of the cases. The teams will then report their findings to the entire class for discussion and debate. Participants will be allowed to use any research tools at hand, including GAO's Red Book, GAO's website, and other search engine capabilities. Personal tablets, laptops or smart phones are encouraged to aid in this research.


3 days



Who Should Attend?

Anyone who has completed the Federal Appropriations Law course but needs additional guidance and practice in solving complex appropriations law questions. This includes budget analysts, accountants, auditors, contracting officers, purchase card holders and approving managers, certifying officers, and program managers.



1.8 CEU's, 24 CPE's

Learning Outcomes:

  • Provide authoritative guidance to decision makers on the legality of proposed actions
  • Use federal appropriations only for the purposes intended
  • Observe & adhere to critical time frames of federal appropriations
  • Avoid violations of the Antideficiency Act
  • Apply appropriations language to a specific situation
  • Use a reliable process for researching and making recommendations on the proper use of federal funds



Other Recommended Courses:

Day one of three

- Review basics of appropriations law
- Purpose discussion
- Purpose case study - conferences

Day two of three

 - Government purchase card discussion (OMB Circular A-123, Appendix B)
 - GPC case study
 - Time discussion
 - Time case study - Which FY?

Day three of three

- Antideficiency Act and augmentation discussion
- ADA case study
- Inbox exercise - The Finale

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