Receive a strong introduction to the federal budget process. Gain a firm understanding of what a budget is, how a budget is prepared, the composition of the federal budget, and the role of federal financial management professionals. Learn how key legislation is changing, how the federal budget is developed and executed, and the resulting impact on the nation's financial and program resources. This course contains practical case exercises that can be completed using Microsoft Excel. If available, please bring a laptop containing Excel software to class with you. If you do not have access to a laptop, or you do not have a basic knowledge of Excel, the exercises can be completed using a hand calculator. This course is part of the Certificate of Accomplishment in Program and Management Analysis.
3 days
Who Should Attend?
Federal personnel who would benefit from an overview of the federal budget process and the procedures for formulating, justifying, and executing their organizations' budgets.
1.8 CEU's, 24 CPE'sLearning Outcomes:
- Demonstrate that you are ready for increased budget responsibilities
- State common budget terms and use them appropriately
- Identify key characteristics of object class budgets and program budgets
- Provide valuable assistance to your supervisors in constructing an operating budget
- Use valuable techniques for estimating costs
- Estimate staff salaries, travel and contract costs with confidence
Other Recommended Courses:
- Financial Management Bootcamp for New Federal Managers (FINC7010)
- Federal Budget Process (BUDG7103)
- Introduction to Financial Management (FINC7000)
Day one of three
- Fundamentals
- Purpose of a Federal Budget
- Need for Budget at the Operating Level
- History of Federal Budget Development
- Budget Decision Making
- Phases of Budgeting (Budget Cycle)
- Preparation and Execution of Federal Budget
- Flow of Appropriated Funds
- Sources of Program Funds
- Management Flexibility in Use of Funds
- Accounting Concepts for Budgeting
- Events in the Budget Cycle
Day two of three
- Building the Operating Budget
- Goals and Objectives
- Object Classifications
- Determining Personnel Costs
- Types of Costs
- Financial Planning
- Justification
Day three of three
- Anti-Deficiency Act 1955
- Mid Year Reviews
- Review of Budget Concepts