Federal Contracting Basics (ACQI8004)


Federal Contracting Basics


Federal Contracting Basics is designed for newly assigned or about to be assigned Level I civilian agency CORs who need more in-depth training than is provided in COR Essentials, as well as CORs who need to be recertified. In addition, this course is intended for administrative and budget personnel, project officers, task managers, and others who need to gain familiarity with basic contracting concepts and processes. This course explains the COR's role and responsibilities throughout the acquisition process, ?ocusing on postaward contract administration, including monitoring contractor performance, processing invoices, and identifying the need to modify a contract. Upon successful completion of this course, participants will earn 24 Continuous Learning Points (CLPs). Note: Civilian agency CORs must complete 8 hours of training to earn heir Level I certification and 8 hours (CLPs) every two years thereafter in order to maintain their certification.


3 days



Who Should Attend?

COR Certification holders or those who need certification, program and technical staff, administrative assistants, office managers or anyone who needs to learn the fundamentals of government contracting.


1.8 CEU's, 24 CPE's

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe the purpose of the Federal Acquisition System
  • Identify the three phases of the acquisition process
  • Accurately use common acquisition terms and concepts
  • Explain the role of the COR, including limits on COR responsibility and authority
  • Monitor contractor performance and recommend corrective action for inadequate performance
  • Recommend changes and provide technical support to the contracting officer for contract modifications
  • Process contractor invoices
  • Perform contract closeout
  • Understand the standards of conduct and the ethics and integrity restrictions that apply to contracting personnel



Other Recommended Courses:

Course Outline:

Day one of three

  • Course Welcome, Overview, and Introductions
  • Acquisition Overview: Laws and Regulations, Process, Roles, Elements of a Contract
  • Statements of Work
  • Post Award Phase

Day two of three

  • Post-Award Phase (continued)
  • Contract Modifications
  • Contract Remedies

Day three of three

  • Contract Remedies (continued)
  • Closeout Procedures (step-by-step)
  • Procurement Integrity and Standards of Conduct
  • Course Summary and Closing

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