Learn how to respond to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act (PA) requests. Become skilled at proper release of records to the public while safeguarding necessary information.
3 days
Who Should Attend?
Federal employees who are involved with requests associated with the Freedom of Information Act or Privacy Act.
1.8 CEU'sLearning Outcomes:
- Advise managers on which records can remain undisclosed
- Respond fairly to the public's right to know
- Keep personal information private
- Keep proprietary corporate information private
- Sanitize information to make records releasable
- Know where to get advice on cases too close to call
- Observe procedural requirements (tracking, denial letters, etc.)
- Determine when and how to charge fees for FOIA and PA records
Other Recommended Courses:
Module 1
- The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
Module 2
- The Privacy Act
- Governmentwide System of Records OPM/GOVT-1
Supplemental Information Provided in Reference Guide
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Guide
- Overview of the Privacy Act of 1974