Practical Statistical Sampling for Auditors (AUDT8112)


Practical Statistical Sampling for Auditors


Equip yourself with the basic concepts of statistical sampling and confidently explain how the concepts can be applied to decision-making. Gain an appreciation of the role statistical sampling plays in auditing, inspections, and fact-finding. Through case exercises, become proficient at applying basic statistical sampling principles and procedures in the audit environment. You will use Excel statistical functions and sampling software (which you can take back to your organization for use in audits). Emphasis is placed on sample-size determination and how to appraise and present the audit results. Using Excel and sampling software, learn all the steps from problem formulation to statistical design, fieldwork, analysis and presentation of findings. For the virtual version, students must have Excel with the Data Analysis ToolPak activated (this is included with Excel software} Effective 1/1/2019, the course duration changed from 4 days to 3 days. This course is part of the Certified Government Auditor (CGA) program, Level 2.


3 days



Who Should Attend?

Auditors who have some experience in performance auditing and want to gain an appreciation for the role statistical sampling plays in the audit environment.


1.8 CEU's, 24 CPE's

Learning Outcomes:

  • Formulate the audit problem and the sampling approach to its solution, including the conduct of a pilot (test) sample
  • Explain the advantages of and when to use random sampling methods such as mean-per-unit, stratified cluster difference estimation and probability proportional to size sampling
  • Choose an appropriate sample selection method
  • Determine appropriate sample size
  • Select a statistical sample and derive essential facts to form audit findings
  • Present audit findings with reasonable assurance of their correctness
  • Identify some key problems that can occur when using samples for estimation



Other Recommended Courses:

Module 1: Describing the Population

Module 2: Introduction to Sampling

Module 3: Unrestricted Random Sampling

Module 4: Controlling Sampling Risk

Module 5: Stratified Sampling

Module 6: Difference and Ratio Estimation

Module 7: Attribute Sampling Methods

Module 8: Practice Set

Module 9: Summary

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