Preparing Effective IG Semiannual Reports to Congress (AUDT8300)


Preparing Effective IG Semiannual Reports to Congress


Inspector General Semiannual Reports to Congress are perhaps the most important tool, as intended by the IG Act, of OIG independence for promoting accountability in each department and agency. This course will help attendees plan and efficiently prepare impactful IG Semiannual Reports to Congress. The course will focus on both semiannual reporting requirements in the IG Act as well as ways the report can be used as a powerful tool in promoting the important work of OIG to Congress and others. The course will cover concepts, examples, and exercises for planning, organizing, and preparing semiannual reports that meet mandated deadlines and requirements with quality and impact. This course is part of the Certified Government Auditor (CGA) program, Level 2.


2 days



Who Should Attend?

The course is for anyone responsible for leading, coordinating and preparing their Office of Inspector General’s Semiannual Report to Congress. Others who participate in or oversee the process will also benefit.


1.2 CEU's, 16 CPE's

Learning Outcomes:

  • Describe the IG Act purpose of the semiannual reports and reporting requirements.
  • Determine potential audiences for report (both in Congress and others)
  • Prepare a production schedule and report contact/contributor assignments.
  • Prepare a preliminary Table of Contents/outline/design/flow for upcoming report.
  • Evaluate current background information.
  • Prepare and edit writeups for significant audits, evaluations, investigations.
  • Consider the need for, obtaining or developing potential visuals.
  • Obtain data, quality review and prepare numerical tables
  • Prepare an IG message and appropriate section introductions and summaries.
  • Coordinate agency review, transmittal, publication, distribution and web-posting.



Other Recommended Courses:

Course Outline:

  1. Why We Prepare the Semiannual Report to Congress
  2. What Should Go in the Semiannual Report
  3. How You Should Prepare the Various Elements of the Semiannual Report
  4. Planning: What to Do Before the Semiannual Reporting Period Ends
  5. What and How to Prepare the Various Elements of the Semiannual Report
  6. Preparing the required tables and statistics
  7. Issuing the Semiannual Report to Congress

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