Explore the highly complex federal acquisition process, including the functions of pre-solicitation, solicitation and award, and post-award administration; the roles of the legislative, executive and judicial branches in federal acquisition; and standards of conduct for members of the acquisition team. Learn to minimize risks, maximize competition, maintain integrity and assure delivery according to the contract terms and conditions. This course is equivalent to Defense Acquisition University (DAU) course CON100, Shaping Smart Business Arrangements. To earn a Certificate of Completion, participants must attend all class sessions and achieve a score of 80% across all course work, assessments and participation in case studies. Participants who do not meet this standard must re-enroll at their own expense.
5 days
Who Should Attend?
Contracting Officers, Project/Program Managers, Contracting Officer Representatives, financial managers and all other acquisition stakeholders.
3 CEU's, 40 CPE'sLearning Outcomes:
- Identify both the past and present acquisition environment to be able to understand the evolution of contracting so that smart business decisions can be made by an informed workforce
- Identify the various mission areas of the military departments and defense agencies and the contracting support that these mission areas require so that you will be able to support the development of business strategies
- Identify the benefits and principles of building and sustaining successful teams so that you will be able to use business knowledge, analysis, and strategies efficiently as an active participant on the Acquisition Team
- Identify a business solution based upon application of the six-step problem solving model and four other decision making tools
- Describe the eleven principles of leadership and the leadership actions necessary to implement sound business decisions for contracting
- Correctly identify information contained in the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS)
- Identify the critical need for all parties involved in procurement business to reflect the highest standards of integrity and ethical behavior
- Determine the relationship between the financial and acquisition communities and how fundamental financial principles and requirements are important factors to consider so that you will be able to develop a smart business arrangement
- Recognize how e-business initiatives facilitate the efficiency of the acquisition process
Other Recommended Courses:
- Simplified Acquisition Procedures (ACQI7506)
- Government Contract Law (ACQI8505)
Day One
- Overview
- Course purpose and coverage
- Basic acquisition terms
- Components of the Federal Acquisition System
- Goals of the Federal Acquisition System
- The pre-award goal—
- Quality
- Military and defense agencies various mission areas
- Congressional policies for acquiring Supplies and Services
- Strategies for accomplishing system goals
- Logistical considerations
- Factors influencing acquisition goals and objectives
- Environment factors—
- The market environment
- The political environment
- The legal environment
- The internal environment
- Common and competing motivating factors
- The post-award goal
- The pre-award goal—
- Roles and Responsibilities: The Federal Branches and the Private Sector
- The Legislative Branch—
- The Legislative Process
- The Budget Process
- Committees
- The Executive Branch
- The Judicial Branch
- Private Sector Participation
- The Legislative Branch—
- Basic Statutes, Regulations, and the Legislative History of Acquisition
- Elements of a Contract
- The Sources of Federal Contract Law
- The Constitution
- Statutes
- Administrative law
- Common law
- Federal Acquisitions: Past and Present
- Legislative history of Federal acquisitions
- Basic statutes
Day Two
- Basic Statutes, Regulations, and the Legislative History of Acquisition (cont.)
- The Federal Acquisition Regulation System
- Sources of the FAR
- FAR maintenance
- FAR supplements
- Using the FAR System
- e-Business Initiatives
- The Federal Acquisition Regulation System
- Acquisition Function, Roles, Responsibilities, and Leadership within an Agency
- Typical organizations within agencies
- Top agency officials
- Types of organizations
- Typical organizations within agencies
- The Law of Agency
- Key acquisition personnel
- Roles and responsibilities
- The Acquisition Team
- Contracting professional's added value
- Teamwork
- Team Processes: Influence of Key Success Factors
- Team's capability
- Success factors
- Problem solving and decision making
- Effective Communication
- Interactive Teaming
- Leadership
- Acquisition career fields
- DAWAIA certification
- Key acquisition personnel
- Introduction to the Federal Acquisition Process
- Functions of the Federal Acquisition Process
- Acquisition Phases and Related Business Issues
- The Presolicitation Phase
- The Solicitation and Award Phase
- The Post-award Phase
- Making Smart Business Arrangements
Day Three
- Presolicitation Phase
- Determination of need
- Forecasting requirements
- Acquisition planning
- Initiating the procurement
- Processing the purchase request
- Market research
- Commercial items
- Financial Management Process
- Antideficiency Act
- Misappropriation Act
- Bona fide Need Rule
- Analysis of requirement
- Types of requirements docs
- Commerciality determination
- Sourcing
- Extent of Competition
- Selection Factors
- Procurement Method
- Procurement Planning
- Managing Risk
- Determination of need
Day Four
- Solicitation and Award Phase
- Solicitation
- Terms and Conditions
- Soliciting Offers
- Evaluation (Sealed Bidding)
- Processing Bids
- Time Extensions for Bids
- Late Bids
- Bid Prices
- Responsiveness
- Evaluation (Negotiation)
- Proposal Evaluation
- Technical, Price, Cost
- Win3 Outcome
- Award
- Selection for award
- Executing awards
- Protests
- Solicitation
Day Five
- Post-award Administration Phase
- Start-up
- Planning
- Orders against contracts/agreements
- Subcontracting
- Quality assurance
- Monitoring performance and resolving performance problems
- Property Administration
- Payment and Accounting
- Payment
- Accounting/defective pricing
- Closeout
- Start-up
- Special Contract Administration Matters: Modifications, Terminations, Bonds, and Claims
- Contract modification and options
- Termination
- Convenience
- Default
- Bond administration
- Claims
- Specialized categories of contracting
- Standards of Conduct
- Standards of Conduct (general)
- Bribes
- Representing contractors
- Official decisions in which you have a financial interest
- Conspiring to defraud the Government
- False statements and cover-ups
- Disclosing source selection or proprietary information
- Contracting with Government employees
- Contracting with Members of Congress
- Standards of Conduct (contractors)
- Offers of employment
- Independent pricing
- Contractor gratuities to Government personnel
- Antitrust violations
- Contingent fees
- Subcontractor kickbacks
- Procurement Integrity
- Standards of Conduct (general)